Saturday, 20 December 2008

Welcome to Thame

JRR Tolkien (in Tales from the Perilous Realm) informs us that Thame derives its name from the location that Farmer Giles of Ham tamed the dragon Chrysophylax. There was subsequent confusion between the Lordships of Tame and Ham, for “Thame with an h is folly without warrant”.

Never the less the local saying “Thame by name and tame by nature” has more than an element of truth behind it. Thame is predominately middle class, middle of the road and middle England. If there were a place farthest from the centre of the world Thame could be seen in the middle distance. Thame, moderate in everything as it is, is a pleasant town in which to raise the live work, shop or raise a family. The town rarely features on the regional news, yet alone national media, and all the reports of the sightings of dragons have turned out to be nothing more that the occasional mother in law.

Does that mean Thame is boring as the signs that greet you when you arrive?

Far from it. Thame is a vibrant little town.

Next year:

· Moo-ve over for the largest one day Agricutural Show in the country
· Be prepared for an expansion of the First Thame Scout group and for the Oxford County Scout Camp (Zodiac) that will be hosted at the Thame Show Ground in May
· Not to be out done the Girl guides are building a new hut, I mean Guide Headquarters
· Thame Festival and carnival
· The start of an ugly new library
· The rapidly expanding Lighthouse Children’s Holiday Club, which looks like it will become the biggest summer activity week for miles around.
· The sporting exploits of our Cricket Team, Local Rugby Club (which we have borrowed from Chinnor) and other athletes.
· Entertained and cultured by the Players, Thame Cinema For All, Lord Williams Festival Chorus, Thame Choral Society, Thame Chamber Choir, and Thame Concert Band
· And all of the usual, but possibly inventive , events put on by schools, community groups and churches.

In short there is plenty of material to fill a blog with an offbeat if not warped take on news, reviews and opinion from Thame.

Please let me know if there are any other noteworthy events and organisations within the town.

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